Flavescence dorée is a quarantine grapevine disease indexed on A2 EPPO list, present in numerous winegrowing regions of Europe with a tendency of further spreading.
Prevent from propagation of Flavescence Dorée phytoplasma
Flavescence Dorée (FD) is a type of grapevine yellow and a serious disease caused by phytoplasma. FD is spread by an insect vector, a leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus, and it has been shown that it can
During WINETWORK project, 219 interviews were conducted by the facilitator agents (FA’s) of the 10 European winegrowing regions involved on the project. The FA’s identified several practices to fight
What is Flavescence Dorée, how it is spread? How to control it ? All you need to know about FD
Flavescence Dorée (FD) is a serious disease, ranked among grapevine yellows (GY), and detected since the 1950’s in France, then similar diseases were reported in other European countries (Bois Noir...
All the information you need to know on the Flavescence dorèe vector insect
This video describes Scaphoideus titanus and the Flavescence doree phytoplasma lifecycle. With this video you will learn how to recognize Scaphoideus titanus and its phenological stages; you are also
All the informations you need to recognize Flavescence Dorée
This video describes the problems related with Flavescence dorèe, a disease responsible of huge economic losses in several European wine regions. With this clip you will learn how to recognize Flav...
François-Michel Bernard, IFV (Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin)
This video reports the presentation of François-Michel Bernard of IFV (Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin) at the Winetwork congress Winetwork “SCIENCE & PRACTICE vs GRAPE TRUNK DISEASES & FLA...
Maurizio Gily (Facilitator Agent of the Winetwork Project) shows the results of a European investigation, lasted 3 years and made in 7 different countries, on the practices against FD.
François-Michel Bernard, IFV (Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin)
The Video describes the actions made in Burgundy in order to manage the expansion of the Flavescence Dorée, and with this example, all the “good practices” that could be transferred to the other vi...
A Phlogotettix cyclops és a Scaphoideus titanus kabócafajok közti legszembetunobb különbség, hogy a kifejlett P. cyclops egyedek fején jól körülhatárolt, fekete folt látható, míg az amerikai szolok...
This document illustrate practices observed on field in the famework of interviews realized during Winetwork project. 219 interviews were realized in 10 european winegrowing regions with the object...
Video presenting how to monitor Scaphoideus titanus larvea on the vineyard in Piemonte, Italy. Keywords: Flavescence Dore'e, Scaphoideus titanus, Flavesce'ncia Dourada, Flavescencia Dorad
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°652601 copyrights Winetwork @2015
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